Experience the rich heritage and beautiful surroundings of the Lagan Valley area - choose from three unique, lovingly crafted walking and artisan food tours.
I am passionate about nature and the natural world. Walking every day I see the joy and beauty around me. Walking is a sustainable low-impact high return activity proven to improve head health, heart health, fitness, bone density, vitamin D level and overall wellbeing. Walking is the way forward ( did you see what I did there?!). There are several brilliant websites out there for NI walks giving details of terrain, distance and challenge level. My favourite is Walkni – search options include distance, accessibility, maps and whether the walks are linear or circular. According to Public Health England you can cut your risk of mortality by 15% simply by taking a daily brisk walk of 20mins! (Unlike running, walking does not increase your cortisol level thus making it release not increase stress)
Walking is wonderful exercise and you can do it pretty much any place, any time. Plus! Brisk walking counts as a ‘moderate intensity’ workout. It’s a win win situation so get out there and WalkItOff! Need motivation? Contact me: Nikki@WalkItOffNI.com and book your accompanied walk with UK’s first People Walker!