Dipping toes
Antrim Castle Gardens, sunlit, river
Slick Streets and Art Shows
Sports Day happened on the rainiest day of the year. How typical is that? The [...]
Bog snorkelling and horses asses
20 minutes up the hill out of Belfast there is the very wild and usually [...]
Walkitoffni “Hi”
This week the drama of the chairs caused me to seriously need to Walkitoff in [...]
Newcastle distractions
This weekend I flew away to Newcastle upon Tyne to have fun with my Bestie. Drove [...]
A week in May
Busy week in May
Soft day? Walk? No? It’s a kind of magic you know.
Both physically and mentally. NHS says so. If you need a little encouragement and company, [...]
Festival of Fools comes to town
An amazing weekend for @Walkitoffni in Belfast, meeting clients old and new. And many wonderful [...]